Thursday, February 28, 2013


This is Dougie. His full name Dougie Lee Poynter. He was born in Corringham, Essex, England. His birthday is November 30th, 1987, and he is 25, which makes him the baby in the band. Dougie was the last to enter the band, and since then he's written a few really good songs for the band such as Transylvania, and Silence Is A Scary Sound. He went through a very hard break up with Frankie Sandford, and following their second break up he went to rehab for his depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Poor Dougie! :( Doug attended Gable Hall Performing arts school in Corringham from 11-16 years old. Now he co-owns a clothing line called Zukie, named after his pet lizard, and he is working on his own clothing line named Saint Kidd, inspired from William Kidd. He and Tom Fletcher published a book called The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas. In 2011 he won the series I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!
That's just a small portion of Dougie's life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


That's Danny. (Isn't he handsome?)
His full name is Daniel Alan David Jones. He is currently 26, and his birthday is March 12th, 1986. He was born in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England. For schooling he attended Thornleigh Salesian College. He plays the ukulele, harmonica, bass guitar, and piano, but most notably he plays guitar and sings. He is also now a DJ under the name The Saturn V, and a dedicated soccer fan and player. He has released his own mixed songs, as well as remixes of a lot of other artist's songs. He is currently dating Miss England 2007, Georgia Horsley. He, by himself, was on the show Popstar To Operastar, but was voted off in the fourth week. In 2004 he won the Smash Hit Award of Most Fanciable Male, and in 2005 he won the Smash Hit Award of Most Snoggable Male. His band members refer to him as the missing link in the evolutionary progression chart, and also just dumb. I think he's just funny and silly. But yep! That's a small insight on Danny Jones' life.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking for something fun to do?

It's easy:
1) Go to or click the link on the left hand side of the page, or click THIS LINK. (Whichever you prefer.)
2) Click Enter Site
3) Click Join! (If I didn't completely convince you by saying it's fun, you can click the Why Join button.)
You can go to the boy's "rooms", sometimes there are video chats, there are always new pictures and videos up, and the news is always on the home page! You get all the newest information direct from the source. You can make friends with people from all over the world, and best of all, it's a site where if you truly love McFly, you can just feel at home with! It's also cool to see the boys doing things in their rooms (even though they're not really doing things. They're videos. Lol). You can even read the boy's personal blogs! (Dougie's got some funny personality test pictures up.)
JUST DO IT! You'll like it, I promise.

Friday, February 8, 2013

New sound VS Old sounds?

(Original style)
(Radio:ACTIVE style)
(New style)

Their old music style was most people's favorite. But honestly, I think that's the case because people don't like change. When a band makes a huge leap by changing their entire style of music, people shut their minds off to it. They say "I liked what they had before, they're stupid for changing. I hate this new sound." Or things like that. Really people? Have an open mind. McFly was happiest with their Radio:ACTIVE sound. So I personally think the reason they changed to this new pop sound was because they went back to Island records. And by all means, I'm not saying I don't like it. I think they completely master any sound they would want to play. I'm a little sad at the way the actual instruments are lacking now. It's mostly digital sounds now. It sounds good, but I feel like it isn't them. Their original sound was fun and just great to listen to in any occasion. I would have to say all three sounds are tied for me though, they're all equally "McFly" to me. I feel like their pop rock sound was over all just fun, but their Radio:ACTIVE sound spoke to me the most because it was like... Raw McFly feelings and sounds. Like I said, it was the band's favorite sound too, because during their tour of this album they said they have never felt so close to the songs. And that makes the songs mean even more to me, because it's like they came straight from their hearts. I actually felt those songs. And the band say their Above The Noise sound is "sexier", which I can agree with. It's more of an easy listening style. No matter their musical choices, they're a wonderful band, and I hope they keep it up for a long time!

Let's discuss... Nowhere Left To Run.

Nowhere Left To Run is a movie staring the boys as they are trying to write their new album, which becomes Above The Noise. They don't know it yet, but when the boys went on tour in Romania, Harry was bitten by a stripper vampire and is now a vampire. So their manager takes them to a secluded castle so they can focus on their album, but Harry keeps eating the women. Tom likes the cleaning lady there, but Harry bit her too, and when Tom was trying to hit on her, she tried to bite him. Well anyway, they kill Harry after they find out that he is a vampire, and then Tom gets eaten by the cleaning lady, and Danny tries to get away in the car, but he gets bitten by a vampire in the back seat. So Dougie is left by himself, running away from all the vampires, and he finally gets inside a church, trying to hold the door shut, and his final word in the movie is "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." (they zoom out before he finishes his vulgarity.) We never find out if he dies, damn it! :(
Anyway, I don't know about you, but I thought this movie was just great. It was silly, and the boys could use a few more acting lessons, but over all I enjoyed it. There were moments where the serious things they said just made me laugh though because they are so dear to my heart, and knowing ahead of time parts of their senses of humor just drew the chuckles out of me. You could very clearly tell they were acting. It wasn't real in any sense of the word. I really appreciated that Harry was kind of the indirect center of attention in this movie, the other members of the band always get more attention than the drummer. It must have been a down right blast to film, because the bloopers and behind the scenes were simply hilarious. My friend Miranda and I watched it together first, and she really loved the behind the scenes where I got a huge kick out of the bloopers. One of my favorite parts of the bloopers was where the boys were sitting around the table and Dougie kept drinking the tea when Tom was trying to talk. It would always make Tom laugh, and I thought it was funny. Another time I really enjoyed was when they were sitting at the dinner table and Harry's eyes would glow when the lights began to flicker (hinting to his vampiric abilities). It was a very serious moment in the movie, and Danny could not handle it by any means. He kept bursting out in laughter. It was great. Oh yeah! I really want them to make another one that shows what happens to Dougie, since he's the only one alive at the end. Poor Dougie. If you like McFly and have not seen this, I highly recomend it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Let's discuss... Albums

Over all, any album they ever produce will have my whole hearted approval and love. There are very few songs that I don't know every single word to, and that being the case, I am in the process of learning them now. Although they had me flabberghasted when they released Above The Noise, I still loved it and became accustomed to the sound. Their original pop rock sound lasted for a long time. Room On The Third Floor was their first album, which was so great. Every song was fun and easy to sing. Their second album was Wonderland. Right around here was Just My Luck, which came out after they were in the movie Just My Luck. Hm. Wonder where the title came from... But it was a great album as well. Which I find to be equal in awesomeness to ROTTF. Their third album was Motion In The Ocean, which I personally liked better than the first two, but not signifigantly, because choosing a favorite McFly album for me is like choosing a favorite child. They didn't stray from their original pop rock boy band path until they released Radio:ACTIVE in 2008 when they had created Super Records. The pop rock sound has a good long run of 4 years, but when they released Radio:ACTIVE the band had said that they have never been more excited for an album before. They felt closer to the songs on this album than to any other album because this is the feel of music that they really wanted to develop into, that their original record company advised against. Some fans had strayed from them after this drastic music style change, but there are many who grew to love the new, more rock McFly sound. They threw the world for a second curve ball when they released Above The Noise in 2010. Fans were very confused by their lack of... instruments, to say the least. And also surprised that they had turned almost solely to pop music. They liked the "sexy" change as they had discribed it, but there were plenty who didn't. Which it's unfortunate when you try to please a larger crowd and you lose fans in the process. I stuck by them, and their new songs Love Is Easy, Cherry Cola, and Do Watcha are great, just like every other song they've ever written or covered. There is not a single one I'm not in love with. Although, these three new songs are totally different again than before.
Come back for more McFly! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Tad Bit Of Background...

Why, hello there. As you begin reading this, you may assume this is about Marty McFly, from Back To The Future. In assuming this, you would be WRONG. (Although the band was named after him.) This is simply about one of the (in my opinion) greatest bands that has ever graced the music world.
Just a bit of history:
The band is from England, and they came to be in 2003. The band consists of Tom Fletcher (lead vocals, guitar, and piano), Danny Jones (lead guitar and vocals), Dougie Pointer (bass guitar and backing vocals), and Harry Judd (drums).
Their albums so far consist of Room On The Third Floor, Wonderland, Motion In The Ocean, Just My Luck, All Of The Greatest Hits, Radio:ACTIVE, Above The Noise, The Greatest Bits: B-sides And Rarities, and Memory Lane... The Best Of McFly. There is talk of a new album being released in the summer of '13. So uh... :D
They also published an auto-biography called McFly: Unsaid Things... Our Story, which I am currently reading.
I have loved them since about 2008, and would like to consider myself knowledgeable in the ways of McFly-dom.
So yeah! Keep reading for more.