Friday, February 8, 2013

New sound VS Old sounds?

(Original style)
(Radio:ACTIVE style)
(New style)

Their old music style was most people's favorite. But honestly, I think that's the case because people don't like change. When a band makes a huge leap by changing their entire style of music, people shut their minds off to it. They say "I liked what they had before, they're stupid for changing. I hate this new sound." Or things like that. Really people? Have an open mind. McFly was happiest with their Radio:ACTIVE sound. So I personally think the reason they changed to this new pop sound was because they went back to Island records. And by all means, I'm not saying I don't like it. I think they completely master any sound they would want to play. I'm a little sad at the way the actual instruments are lacking now. It's mostly digital sounds now. It sounds good, but I feel like it isn't them. Their original sound was fun and just great to listen to in any occasion. I would have to say all three sounds are tied for me though, they're all equally "McFly" to me. I feel like their pop rock sound was over all just fun, but their Radio:ACTIVE sound spoke to me the most because it was like... Raw McFly feelings and sounds. Like I said, it was the band's favorite sound too, because during their tour of this album they said they have never felt so close to the songs. And that makes the songs mean even more to me, because it's like they came straight from their hearts. I actually felt those songs. And the band say their Above The Noise sound is "sexier", which I can agree with. It's more of an easy listening style. No matter their musical choices, they're a wonderful band, and I hope they keep it up for a long time!

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