Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Let's discuss... Albums

Over all, any album they ever produce will have my whole hearted approval and love. There are very few songs that I don't know every single word to, and that being the case, I am in the process of learning them now. Although they had me flabberghasted when they released Above The Noise, I still loved it and became accustomed to the sound. Their original pop rock sound lasted for a long time. Room On The Third Floor was their first album, which was so great. Every song was fun and easy to sing. Their second album was Wonderland. Right around here was Just My Luck, which came out after they were in the movie Just My Luck. Hm. Wonder where the title came from... But it was a great album as well. Which I find to be equal in awesomeness to ROTTF. Their third album was Motion In The Ocean, which I personally liked better than the first two, but not signifigantly, because choosing a favorite McFly album for me is like choosing a favorite child. They didn't stray from their original pop rock boy band path until they released Radio:ACTIVE in 2008 when they had created Super Records. The pop rock sound has a good long run of 4 years, but when they released Radio:ACTIVE the band had said that they have never been more excited for an album before. They felt closer to the songs on this album than to any other album because this is the feel of music that they really wanted to develop into, that their original record company advised against. Some fans had strayed from them after this drastic music style change, but there are many who grew to love the new, more rock McFly sound. They threw the world for a second curve ball when they released Above The Noise in 2010. Fans were very confused by their lack of... instruments, to say the least. And also surprised that they had turned almost solely to pop music. They liked the "sexy" change as they had discribed it, but there were plenty who didn't. Which it's unfortunate when you try to please a larger crowd and you lose fans in the process. I stuck by them, and their new songs Love Is Easy, Cherry Cola, and Do Watcha are great, just like every other song they've ever written or covered. There is not a single one I'm not in love with. Although, these three new songs are totally different again than before.
Come back for more McFly! :)


  1. Never seen a McFly blog, not that I've looked for one, but this one is great, not that I read it, good job capturing the essence of McFly!

  2. My advice: ignore everyone named Karlee. First of all - why the K? Why not a C? I don't trust people who use Ks instead of Cs. Nice blog, btw.
